Thursday, 13 June 2013

♥Be Blessed by the Light of God's Countenance♥

Today I read this prayer and found this article which I extracted:
"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: the LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace."
- Num 6:24-26

God is the light. In Him there is no darkness.His light permeates all places. May He shine on us and be gracious to us. in all our turmoil and need, in all our desperation and inadequacy, in all our sinfulness and brokenness, and light up everything to show us everything He sees when He looks at us, so we can see too, and so, we can recognize, repent and turn from those things and be redeemed and restored to live life as God created us to live it. Even we do not deserve His light, warmth, acceptance and favour ... that's the wonder of it all. God wants to give those to us, because of who He is, His character, His love for us, His desire to forgive, His desire for a relationship with us, His desire to heal us and grant us abundant life. By His grace, we can draw ever closer to Him and be transformed in our lives and thinking from glory to glory, so that we walk in victory and truth, no matter what crosses our path.

God is our peace. He gives us His peace, not a peace like the world gives, but real peace, a peace that flows from His Holy Spirit living inside us, when we give our lives to Him. This is a peace which brings true wholeness ... in reconciliation to God, so no sin puts a gulf between us and Him; in reconciliation with man in relationships, so having received His forgiveness, we, too, have the power to forgive; in reconciliation to our own bodies, so we care for them as God's holy temple; in reconciliation with our own souls, which enables us to build righteous character and reflect our Creator, rather than live out the profane, self-centered character our flesh wants us to form. When God lifts up His countenance upon us, and we bask in the light and favor emanating from Him, we are enveloped in His perfect -- nothing can disturb us -- peace, regardless of the circumstances we face ... regardless of death or life, loss or gain, have or have not.

So for you, I pray: May the LORD bless you, and keep you: the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you: the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Sourced from Our Journey of Hope

♥^-^♥ Love, Light and Peace ♥^-^♥

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